суббота, 2 июня 2012 г.

Challenge #2 for SEM's birthday celebration.

This challenge calls "Last day of May flowers". The project should include flowers in any way.

It is organizer for the notes. Back side of my work has magnets, so it can hang on the fridge. At the top half you can see the box (blue one decorated sunflowers) for storing necessary notes. At the bottom half is sticker pad (it can be replaces to another one, when this pad will be used up). Also it has place for the pen, and the some pins for holding papers.

понедельник, 14 мая 2012 г.

Плов :-)

В моей семье все очень любят этот плов. И я решила поделиться с вами рецептом. Его достаточно легко готовить, и самое главное здесь правильные специи:-)
Everyone in my family love the pilaf. And I've decided to share this recipe with you. It is easy enough for cooking, just the main point here is the right spices!!! ;-)

понедельник, 30 апреля 2012 г.

April sketch challenge for SEM

I made this page for sketch challenge at SEM (Scrapping Everyday Miracles)... The task was to add some distress in the layout. I made distressing on the edge of pics and some wrinkles on them.. When I read the rules for this sketch, i understood what i want to do in that moment. I've printed series  pics of Lev in sepia quality, distress them and created the story-fairytail for this layout. The pics what you see at the top of layout were cut from the top part of main pics.. There is written in journalling : "One day, Leo, as always dabbled with a time-machine in the garage of his dad, and accidentally sent himself in times when the photocamera had not been invented, and not come up with sneakers .. And he came... to the palace square in Brussels.." ;-)) These pics were really made in Brussels during our summer vacation in 2011...

среда, 25 апреля 2012 г.

Challenge # 15 from SEM

This pics of my younger son Lev. He is 7 yo. He makes us laugh every day. 


Me: Lev, are you going to get marriage when you grow up?
Lev: I don't know...
Leonid (11 yo): You should buy a ring for her!
Lev: Nooo...
Leonid: Ok. Then gift a mansion to her. She will be glad!
Lev (dreamily): NO... I'll gift a BABY to her!!!